Using Charles Proxy With Real Devices

Gabor Csomak
2 min readAug 13, 2020

Sometimes you want to use your mappings with a physical device. When you want to use your desktop VPN on an Android, or when you want to edit some cookies on an iPhone, you want to record some game traffic in the hopes of reverse engineering the fog of war. In any case, here are the steps:

  1. find your proxy address: go to Charles > Proxy > Proxy Settings and note the port. Then go to Charles > Help > Local IP Address. There will be a few, but use the Wifi’s one.
  2. Connect your device to the IP:Port, by going to:
    a) Android: Wifi > network details > Proxy > Manual and fill in hosntame to be your Charles’ IP, and Port to match Charles’ port, as noted in step 1.
    b) iPhone: Settings > Wifi > (i) > Configure Porxy > Manual, and fill in the IP and Port noted down.
    c) Windows: search for Proxy Settings in start menu, turn it on, with the IP and Port noted down.
  3. Enable Charles connection. If you open any webpage from the device’s browser (or sometimes automatic queries will trigger it earlier), your desktop Charles will ask for allowing that device’s IP to be proxied.

4. Install certificates on phone/device by opening url.

  • on iOS you might need to go to settings and force install the certificates.5.

5. Browse happy

